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ISAT 2011
held on april 16 2011 across INDIA and many people gave the exams and are willing to see the solution now :SOLUTION:
timesgroup solution:
iist answer key
The IITjee exam is finally over across the country students are in desperate search for a genuine solution to papers and wish what they have gussed is right due a large chunk of non negative questions.
Here are are some of the solutions of various institutes:



For the time in history, there are some changes in the rules related by Indian Institutes of Technology as it will publish the detailed answer sheets of candidates on its website for the first time ever.

Candidates have often looked out & demanded for their answer sheets and have gone to the extent to pull the prestigious institution to the court however every time the judicial system has favored the IIT and every application of getting the answer sheets of the respective candidates was rejected.

Now, the rules have been changed and IIT would upload the answer sheets of the all the 4.85 lakh candidates who have taken up this exam this year, on its website to bring in the desired transparency in evaluating the results.

When the stakes are so high, there are bound to have some mistakes and controversies and same was experienced in the IIT JEE 2011 exams which was conducted just yesterday. Some students claimed that 3 questions in Maths were erroneous. 2 questions on matrices, question 55 and 65 of paper number 5 did not have a matching answer in the options listed and question number 69 gives the two answers, both of which were present in the options.

There is however no official statement till now on the claims made regarding the error in the question paper.

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