New Sun Signs Chart Introduced by Scientist Parke KunklePosted
Do you know, now comes a chart of New Sun Signs (Zodiac) for you horror scope. Now you will have to check out for your new sun sign as there is a change in the theory of zodiacs and sun signs.

A American Scientist that, there will be new horror-scope convention as there are 13 Sun Signs instead of previously known 12. This statement from him has shocked the astrologers all over world.
According to media, Scientist Parke Kunkle told that there are 13 Zodiac signs from now. Ophiuchus is the new sun sign (Zodiac Sign) as stated by this scientist.This new sun sign will be listed after Scorpio and will be before Sagittarius. The dates for which this sign will be effective are 29 Nov to 17th Dec.
He said that, Sun Signs depend upon the constellations present, and Ophiuchus is the constellation which must be considered while watching out the Sun Signs.
Here is the Quoted text which states the matter:
“I defined the zodiac by the constellations that are in the background when you look where the sun, moon, and stars are,” Parke Kunkle, the man who spurred the recent astrology debate, said. “Ophiuchus [the thirteenth constellation] has been around a long time, and the sun has been going through Ophiuchus for thousands of years.”

The New Sun Signs (New Zodiacs):
Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11
Pisces: March 11-April 18
Aries: April 18-May 13
Taurus: May 13-June 21
Gemini: June 21-July 20
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20

The new zodiac signs 2011 aren't exceedingly popular. To some believers, the new zodiac signs 2011 are pointless, and won't alter their loyalty to their old symbols. In their hearts, they will always be Cancers, Leos, Virgo, Capricorns, or whatever else they were under the old system. Even if they are technically an Ophiuchus now, many readers still believe that they will always be a Sagittarius. But those who don't believe in the new zodiac signs aren't that different from those who still believe Pluto is a planet.
To hear it explained last week, the changes to thehoroscope system weren't actually changes. Supporters state that Ophiuchus has always been the 13th symbol, and it just hasn't been widely reported until now. Yet many are choosing to ignore these findings.

While the new signs can be brushed aside, it is harder to brush aside the last major change that astronomers and astrologers made. The fury over the horoscope restricting isn't too much different from when Pluto stopped being a planet.

In 2006, Pluto was still regarded as the smallest planet in the solar system. Yet scientific experts decided that it was too small to be another world, and demoted it to a dwarf planet. For decades, everyone who studied the stars included Pluto as a planet, and were shocked and puzzled that it wasn't anymore.

Likewise, the new zodiac has taken those who look at the stars aback. While there's so much that isn't known about outer space, a lot of its fans don't like changes to what they do know. In the hearts of many would-be astronomers, Pluto will always be a planet, regardless of what the new science says.

In that vein, lots of horoscope readers will always associate themselves with their old symbols, and not their new ones. It is more personal for them, since these symbols reflect so much of their personality and what makes them unique. It even might define who they hang out with, since some stars just don't mix together.
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